Nana Addison

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Cuisine With Chords #5 The Super Bowl

In 2016 I spent 3month in New York. In no other place in the world have I experienced such an extreme and excessive way of unhealthy eating as in America. And to my shock, healthy eating is very expensive over there as well. I spent twice, to three times as much money on healthy "trustworthy "groceries then I would spend in Germany. Crazy! Thank God my host Trisha Bell is very food conscious. We cooked together almost every day in such a creative manner, that it became a ritual of cultural exchange between me and Trisha, who by the way has her own dope blog called "Taste, Look, Listen " - plugging' like it ain't nuthin' - www.tastelooklisten.comTherefore, in the spirit of World health day a recipe I figured out with Trisha during my time in New York with all the good produce from "Whole Foods".

Turn on the chords and lets get this cuisine going!

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post



  1. Wash all veggies and brush mushrooms.
  2. cook quinoa as instructed on the package. Add a lil gee/butter at the end.
  3. cook sweet potato until its half cook, than cut it thick slices,fry them with a lil olive oil.
  4. Slice carrots and cut them in 4 parts, fry them with a lil olive oil.
  5. cut zuchinni in 6 parts, fry them with lil olive oil.
  6. fry aspargus in lil olive oil.

The sides

  • Guacamole: Mash Avocado, add lime juice and a garlic glove and a lil olive oil
  • Honey Mustered Venigrette: Mix 2 Tbsp of mustard with one tablespoon of honey, add  salt, pepper and lime juice and mix it alll till its smooth.


  1.  Lay Spinach, soccet salad and lamb's letuce nicely in the bowl like a bed and drizzle the venigrette over it.
  2.  Lay all the fried warm veggies in the order of your liking on there.
  3.  Add a Big Spoon of Quinua and Top it with the Porched Egg (if you eat egg)
  4.  Garnish with Salt and Pepper


  • carrots
  • sweet potato
  • mushrooms
  • zuchini
  • roccet salad
  • aspargus
  • baby spinach
  • lamb's letuce
  • avocado
  • lime
  • garlic
  • quinua
  • gee or butter
  • big egg
  • olive oil
  • mustard
  • honey
  • pepper
  • salt